The last Transnational Project Meeting in Slovakia

The first activity of the TPM was a meeting with Gábor Duka, the Mayor of Kravany nad Dunajom, a beautiful village on the bank of the Danube River.
He made the project team aware of the importance of personal commitment and sports as a means for community development, particularly in rural areas. Our team was eager to learn more & see the living example of a community united through sport.
The last activities of our two day project meeting in Slovakia were particularly dynamic after trying out some peculiar bikes provided by the locals of Kravany nad Dunajom, we were divided into two boats and (re)discovered the beauty of the Danube River, a perfect time for understanding the local tradition of water sports, competitions and tours.
Later, we visited the home of a small, local rural team, witnessed and even took part in the game such is the power of sport in inclusion.
Photos Travelogue