Pimpimpáré – užitočné využitie voľného času pre deti (Slovakia) (

Our organization was established in 2005. Our main target group is the children and the youth but we work with adults as well since one of our organization’s aims is to develop and strengthen the community life in our village and we can achieve this goal the best through intergenerational learning in our opinion. We try to give a chance to everybody for personal development; that is why we organize a lot of different kinds of workshops, environmental programs, and discussions about healthy lifestyle, living consciously and green. In the meanwhile, we pay attention to our traditions as well since the traditions show us who we are.

We aim to take part in international projects, because in our opinion to get to know other cultures and traditions are as important as to show, to introduce ours.

We co-operate with other local organizations or with the municipality to organize bigger festivals, cultural, entertaining programs, and events and implement projects. We have organized in such way a regional family festival for years. They help us realize them better, while we offer for the youth, the inhabitants of our village a lot of possibilities of non-formal education. All our programs address not only the children and youngsters, but the whole family.

Usit Organization (Spain)

Usit Organization is situated in El Altet, a rural area that is part of Elche (the city); there are 2000 inhabitants in this area.

Usit is an association dedicated to promoting youth and adult activities in the rural area of El Altet; we also dedicate ourselves to the achievement and participation at European projects.

The main aim is a support of initiatives, development of competence in the local community. Among target groups are adults and elderly people, people from rural and disadvantaged areas.

We develop different courses for the young and adults to support employability and personal development.

We want the participation of the local community of the young people, adult and active lifestyle of elderly people by learning, sharing experience and new learning opportunities using diverse tools. We have a branch in the organization that is focused on environmental activities by workshops, training, running groups, campaigns.

We have different clubs: dance club, cultural activities, sport club, traditional adult club, international club. We also organize activities with adult people, handcrafts and media activities, develop innovative techniques and traditional ecological farming.

We have a large partnership in the local area where we can share and develop activities during the project related to the topic.

We are involve in a Leonardo project related to efficient use of the resources

Also we had last year a Grundtvig related to the recovery of traditional use of the plants.

We are involved in different activities and campaigns for the protection of the sea.

Fundacja Rozwoju Sportu Espanola (Poland) (

Objectives of the fundaction  are comprehensive physical development along with the promotion of a healthy lifestyle through the implementation of Spanish methodology in training from an early age.

Key activities:

• Organization of interesting sporting events and charity tournaments for children.

• Conducting free classes for children at risk of social exclusion.

• Training football coaches in line with the teaching methods of the game on the Iberian Peninsula.

• Creating opportunities for further development in the best football clubs in the country.

• Cooperation with non-governmental organizations.

• Improving the quality of children’s sports training in Poland.

Staff formed by coaches, sport coordinator and professionals in the field.

Travelogue Associazione di promozione sociale (Italy) (

Travelogue is a non-profit organization working in the promotion of Umbria and the territory of Central Italy since 2010.

Starting with the organization of projects and thematic itineraries to promote Umbria and its beauties to a local and international public, the association is developing activities to promote European partnerships, exchange of knowledge between people and institutions, career guidance activities for young people, opportunities to participate in European mobilities. Its activities are related to: sustainable development, ecotourism, environmental protection, social entrepreneurship, social inclusion, skills development for youth and adults. 

Travelogue cooperates with public and private institutions, local associations, schools, municipalities, SMEs and European organizations to facilitate social inclusion, promote knowledge and vocational training and encourage the active participation of all to EU citizenship. The organization participates in several projects, at local, national and international level in the field of youth.

The main aims of the Association are:

–         Promoting the territory of Umbria and local development through the enhancement of the cultural, environmental and naturalistic heritage, that distinguishes it, and involving the human and professional resources that live there;

–         Fostering social inclusion and intercultural exchange, intergenerational dialogue, active citizenship and lifelong learning, through non-formal activities cooperating with other Italian and European organizations;

–         Encouraging local excellence, the “culture of work” and self-employment, job opportunities in innovative sectors, promoting the meeting with companies active at local and European level;

–         Promoting the autonomy of people in search of work, the ability to self-guidance and self-promotion in their personal and professional growth;

–         Improving youth and adult skills in their professional and social life, in order to promote key competences and active aging.

Its main activities are:

–         Thematic itineraries to discover the territory

–         Education projects for environmental protection

–         Ecotourism and promotion of sustainable development

–         Career Counseling: we inform about training or job opportunities in Italy and in Europe

–         Support for CV writing and advice on job search

–         Non-formal education for soft skills development

–         Promotion of European languages and intercultural exchange programmes

–         English Language conversation labs 

–         School-work projects in social enterprise sector

–         Information on training, cultural exchanges, study visits, work experience opportunities across Europe

–         International mobility projects for youth and adults

–         Hosting trainees and students from European countries

Cooperation with public and private bodies to facilitate their participation in European programmes

Asociația Umanistă Română (Romania) (

Romanian Humanist Association is an NGO member of European Humanist Federation ( and International Humanist and Ethical Union (, that has as it’s core principle the Amsterdam Declaration on Humanism, establishing the modern humanist values, in 2002. Since it’s formation, in 2009, RHA has developed projects and campaigns based on human rights topics (especially freedom of speech and conscience, gender equality and rights for minorities). The objectives of RHA are promoting humanist values, as stated in Amsterdam Declaration, as well as fighting discrimination and stereotypes against different social categories. The NGO has active members in Bucharest and several cities in Romania, but it develops national and international projects (see PIF for a detailed list). The staff of the NGO varies in function of the project, including 3 active board members, up to 10 hider personnel when the activity of the organization requires.